Volunteer Society Nepal : The best experience for volunteers, the best value for Nepal.
Volunteer Society Nepal has installed a pure and safe drinking water system in the Centre for Children with Intellectual Disabilities (CCID). Before, they were getting their water from an underground well system. This is not safe. Therefore, CCID has been buying water in jars for drinking and cooking purposes. This is expensive, but more importantly, most of the jar water also does not meet the standard advised for human consumption. We needed to improve this.
To minimize the risk of health hazards for the children we needed to provide safe and pure water to CCID. Therefore, VSN decided to buy a Reverse Osmosis and Ultra Violet filter treatment. The RO/UV water filter device was installed on 25th of July, 2017. Chautaara VZW, a Belgium company, donated this device to CCID. They have been supporting CCID and VSN for many years.
Overall, the CCID family and Volunteer Society Nepal would like to thank Chautaara for their continued generous support.
Together we can make positive changes and bring more smiles into the lives of these neglected children of the society. Children with disabilities are often socially excluded in Nepal. We need to change this and we are asking you to help. You can do this in many ways. You can donate money, goods, your time, effort and knowledge through volunteering. Your gift will help provide regular physical therapies, nutritious foods, transportation facility, recreational activities, training for the teachers, therapeutic & educational toys, regular general health, dental checkups, uniforms and much more.