Volunteer Society Nepal : The best experience for volunteers, the best value for Nepal.
Volunteer Society Nepal organized a free medical health checkup camp at one of its charity project, Centre for Children with Intellectual Disabilities.
Children with disabilities often have difficulty in recognizing & conveying their illness, communicating their needs and also using services. The problems of children with mental disabilities are often unrecognized and therefore go untreated. Purpose of this check-up was for the benefit of the intellectually & physically disabled children at the center. Unrecognized diseases which they are not aware of can be detected at the time of the check-up and the treatment can be taken at appropriate time.
Dr. Shirish Lall Shrestha & Dr. Robin Sherchan from Patan Hospital, Patan Academy of Health Sciences voluntarily provided their professional help & guidance. Fifteen children, their parents and staffs were checked. General physical examination, including checking their weight, height, heart rate and blood pressure. They also assessed the children’s behavior, including asking questions about their lifestyle and mental health. The doctors checked their regular medications and also checked on whether any chronic illness. The parents were advised to be careful about common ailments of their children, nutrition, personal hygiene and sanitation. They were also advised to consult concerning specialist physicians and continue physiotherapy, speech therapy and occupational therapy regularly.
Volunteer Society Nepal with the help from national and international volunteers will be continuing health checkup camps at its other projects; schools, women center and also at other areas where needful.