Volunteer Society Nepal : The best experience for volunteers, the best value for Nepal.

Occupational therapist volunteering in Nepal

Marjolein came to Nepal for our occupational therapist volunteering program. She worked at the Center for Children with Intellectual Disabilities. CCID’s mission is to change the stigma toward children with disabilities in Nepal. We aim to provide them with a safe and fun environment to learn and socialise.

Marjolein’s experience as an occupational therapist

Marjolein immediately noticed that some of the kids would benefit from some extra support for their arms and legs. This would aid their movement.  For example, one child has bent hands. It is extremely difficult for him to reach or touch anything. Special splints provide support and functionality to his hands. It also allows for more contact. Today the orthopedist measures the four children that would receive treatment. They will get splints and/or braces. This is not an easy task as the children get nervous. The children are also unaware of what is happening and move around a lot.

As of now, the measurements are finished and we are waiting for the new splints and braces to arrive. Thank you Marjolein! To be continued…

Interested in volunteering or doing an internship in physiotherapy or occupational therapy? Click here.

The volunteer showing a student exercise

Marjolein is giving excercise to this child with leg problems

Working with other therapists to take arm measurements

Taking the arm size for a splint.


Helping a young boy to walk better

 Putting his feet right…Therapists and students making a mold for a splint

This is no fun! Making a mall for a foot splint

It only took 5 minutes to finish the mold!  And in only 5 minutes one mall of a leg is made!