Volunteer Society Nepal : The best experience for volunteers, the best value for Nepal.

Disability Center

Disability Center: Our center for children with intellectual disabilities has 25 children that are looked after. The parents of these children do not have enough money to support their children and instead of keeping them locked up, they can now bring them to the center.

In August 2013, Volunteer Society Nepal (VSN) launched a  initiative: the Centre for Children with Intellectual Disabilities. This project represents a significant step forward in VSN’s commitment to providing support and opportunity for vulnerable individuals. The Centre currently serves 25 children and young adults (ages 8 to 22) with intellectual disabilities. Through a dedicated team of a caretaker and four trained teachers, participants engage in various activity classes from 10:00 AM to 3:00 PM, Sunday through Friday.

The Centre’s core mission is to empower intellectually disabled individuals, ensuring they can lead lives filled with dignity and purpose. Key elements of this mission include:

Education and Life Skills Development: Providing essential education and training to promote independence, self-reliance, and daily living skills.

Vocational Training: Equipping participants with skills for potential employment and integration into the workforce. Physiotherapy and Medical Care: Offering vital physiotherapy services and access to appropriate medical treatment to address physical challenges and improve overall well-being.

Community Rehabilitation: Actively working to foster acceptance and inclusion within the community, reducing stigma and helping these individuals achieve full participation in society.

 Intellectual Disabilities support in nepal

Currently Our center is looking for small donations for some materials and for organizing some social events with the kids. We are also looking for bigger donations for buying a special Mini-van in the future. You can get the latest update about the center here at our social page

1001. A one day recreational program for the children, for example take them to the zoo.
2. Salary for the house maid for one month
2001. Nutritional food supplies for one month.
2. Transportation costs for children
500Rent for two months
10001. New winter clothes for ALL of the children
2. 2 months worth of dry food
More than a 1000We are looking for funding for a new van to transport the children to the center. Many parents do not have the money to bring their child to the center and therefore many children are still at home and unable to be supported by our center.