Volunteer Society Nepal : The best experience for volunteers, the best value for Nepal.

School Workshop on Positive Education

Merel from the Netherlands is a teacher by profession. She organized a workshop for the teachers of one of our schools. The workshop was attended by all the teachers of the school. Amber and Ine from Belgium are helping Merel with the training.

What was the Workshop About?

The workshop focuses on positive education and a positive approach for qualitative education. Merel prepared different charts to show the teachers. She discussed some major components of positive education. Merel also discussed different levels of learning capacity of children. She showed how to deal with them based on their levels. “Motivation is one of the best aspects of effective teaching and positive motivation is really essential for better output“, she says.

Workshop Leading into Discussions about Education

The workshop compares the Western teaching methodology and the traditional Nepali educational system. The teachers actively thought about how to make the traditional system more effective. For example, making it more practice oriented and creative. There is active participation of all the teachers. They are all pleased to be part of the event. They are very eager to apply the techniques in their day to day teaching.

Moving on to Kaskikot

Merel is now in Kaskikot where she is training the teachers and observing the daily classes. Together with her partner Robert, they also paint the classrooms of the school. The classroom is now very clean and colorful. The kids are all very happy to get their education in newly painted classrooms. Robert will also be helping in the water purification project together with the Italian volunteers Vincent and Maxime.

For more information on volunteering as a teacher trainer, please visit our page and watch this video.